Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Learning without Frontiers

Very excited! Just received my iPad last week for the Learning Without Frontiers conference in January. Checked out the events and speakers at the conference and it looks great. Hope to be massively inspired with ideas to bring back into my classroom.

iPad is a pretty cool tool, just been messing around on it so far. Some good apps and its easy to use for web browsing, been able to do some research and further reading on it.

Ruairi ,my 3 year old, absolutely loves it and uses it for reading, counting and tracing letters. He has no problems switching between apps or watching videos!

Friday, 10 December 2010

Diigo- Social Bookmarking

Just started using Diigo for a place to store bookmarks for various projects I am working on. Very useful as I can now access the bookmarks from anywhere. The more I use it, the more I like it. Just started tagging my favourites into my various areas of research too, which I will share with groups when needed.

Introduced it to the students to gather some research, the highlighting tool is very useful. Also, as students can't save favourites in school this is a good work around.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Unleashing The Tribe: small passionate communities

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: some brilliant ideas and concepts. Also, Ewan's blog is pretty amazing too. He looks at aspects of education from a new and innovative angle.


Wallwisher is a very useful electronic "post-it" facility. The "walls" are free to set up, easy to set up and you can have complete control of them.

I use Wallwisher for A4L purposes and to inform my planning for the next lesson. For example, whilst students can post comments on their learning during the lesson they can also discuss what they would like to learn more about, this is particularly useful when planning for software demonstrations.

One of my walls in action