Thursday, 17 March 2011

Teachmeet @St John's #tmstjohns

Well, it's all done and dusted but hopefully the conversations will continue. Lots of great ideas were shared and the "buzz" of the meeting was positive. It was great to see some staff that you don't get a chance to catch up with or share ideas.

I have already had offers for presenters for the next one and now need to think about getting it planned! Today's TM was at lunch so it was a bit of a rush over 45mins and 6 presentations, ( 1 micro and 5 nano). Next time I think that if the full benfits are to be gained it will be an after school event over 2 hrs. Would the school sponsor it and some drinks???

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Teachmeet @ St John's

Running a mini internal "Teachmeet" at school tomorrow during lunchtime. St John's have kindly supported the event and are providing lunch for all attending. Take up has been very good over 20 staff in total and 7 delivering presententations.

My presentation will be based around the following Linoits.
Using Linoit in Education
My class Linoit

I am excited by this opportunity and new format and hope to incoporate it more in staff training events in the future.

I will post more info after the event.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Better Planning

As a follow up to the badly timed Blogging session I delivered another session this week to trainee teachers. It went well and hopefully planted the seed of blogging and other elearning tools so that they can trial technologies in their own practice.

There are now a numer of bloogs up and running in school and students are fully engaging with the variety of activities that teachers are using them for!