Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Whole School E-Learning Strategy

I have been working closely with a group of staff to develop a whole school e-learning strategy. It is very exciting to work with a professional and motivated group that are very keen on developing Teaching and Learning through the use of ICT. We have already planned to run a series of inset sessions that will no doubt help support the whole staff and engage with students and enrich their learning.

Through working with the group we are planning to roll out a sustained programme of events with a focus on 6 technologies in each year, 2 * 1hr sessions per technology. This is a change to my previous system which was based on roliing out 12 * 1hr sessions. The main benefit being that there will always be a follow up session for staff to review their learning and adapt or develop how they have implemented the technology. The commitment of these staff is second to none and it looks likethe school will be reaping the benfits in the next academic year.

There is still a lot of work that needs to be completed including reviewing student voice, staff voice and putting the sessions on the calander. In addition, the staff involved want to share their learning journeys with each technology through a blog.
