Thursday, 3 November 2011

ICT Strategy

Been super busy over the last few months which has been exciting, inspiring and tiring all in one. Worked with excellent colleagues and technical support team to update our VLE to Sharepoint 2010, refresh school ICT hardware, update and amend policies, and coordinate the development of the new school website. Only another 1 million jobs to do and then I will be finished!

On top of these responsibilities I have been developing the use of new web 2.0 tools in the classroom. I have been impressed with Stixy, Sparkol and as always Google Docs. Trying to use Google Docs as much as possible with students to collaborate on work, share their findings and share their work with me.

Big thanks to for developing an amazing new website, which is close to being launched, on a very small timescale. Turn around has been excellent and efficient. Expertise and understanding of our need has been exceptional.